Moods Defined

In recent posts I defined the Affective Domain concepts of emotions and feelings.  In this post, I define moods. Mood(s) are affective states that are more pervasive and longer lasting. Moods can result from an emotion and the exaggerated interpretation of the emotion into a feeling(s). I previously stated this interpretation frequently has a cognitive bases. Or, more commonly a mood is neurologically based (eg. depressed mood). And, for most of us there are those capricious unpredictable funny little moods that just seem to come and go that are probably spontaneous neuro-chemical-electrical brain fluctuations. I suggest that moods have some overlap and interaction with the four temperamental patterns: 1.) sanguine (pleasant), 2.) phlegmatic (lethargic), 3.) choleric (hot-tempered), or 4.) melancholic (sad-depressed). Time changes, moods change, but less frequently than emotions or feelings.  Are there any questions related to the Affective Domain  states of emotions, feelings, and moods?


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